~ Lorna Strange Coaching ~

My Story
My name is Lorna and I am a qualified life & success coach and I am a mum of 3 boys.
8+ years ago I discovered self development and it has changed my life for the better ever since!
From being a mum who has been through having a very poorly baby boy to later going through a 6 1/2 year battle of my husbands cancer. I have been given lots of challenges during my life but by staying a believer I was shown the way through every negative event and never lost myself. From being a succesful area manager before haviong children, to running zumba classes and helping others create incomes from home I have always enjoyed helping others.
Though I have taken a lengthy break after the unfortunate passing of my best friend and husband of 28 years to cancer this break has been my biggest lesson, and one that I am prepeared to use to benefit others.
I am excited to be back to serving and reminding you ~ that you get to have it all, a life full of abundance!
Lorna xxx

"You owe it to yourself to become everything you ever dreamed of being"